U.S. Sen. Harry Reid just snapped over the snap of a snappy rubber band, and he’s not snapping back from it any time soon.

The minority leader from Nevada announced on Wednesday that he is suing the company that produces and markets a rubber exercise band. The move comes after an unfortunate accident last New Years’ Day, in which Reid’s exercise band “broke or slipped,” causing him to fall and suffer injuries to his face, eye, and ribs. He explained the injury last January:

The 75-year-old Senator and his wife, Landra Gould, are seeking more than $50,000 in damages from the makers and sellers, Hygenic Intangible Property Holding Co., The Hygenic Corp. and Performance Health LLC.

In the complaint, Reid calls the rubber band “defective and inherently dangerous” and claims that the company has not fairly warned its customers about said dangers.

And so, the man who orchestrated one of the most interesting political comebacks in recent history, has taken on a new adversary: a rubber band.

UPDATE 10:33 pm: A closer read of the case shows that the Reids are claiming loss of marital consortium, a legal term defined as the “inability of one’s spouse to have normal marital relations, which is a euphemism for sexual intercourse.”

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