Easter is not traditionally the time for gifts, but this year, the Easter gods are shining down on us all. Our gift: A stunning story out of Connecticut, where an annual Easter 10,000-egg hunt devolved into chaos after pushy parents rushed the field.

According to NBC Connecticut, the hunt was over before it even began:

“Somebody pushed me over and take my eggs and it’s very rude of them and they broke my bucket,” Vincent Welch said.

Several parents were trampling over signs and shoving other participants at the annual hunt, causing chaos at the family-friendly event. One woman said an adult injured her grandchild’s nose.

PEZ, the sponsor of the event, was particularly miffed by the parents’ behavior.

“I take this personally. I don’t want this to be a reflection of the brand,” Shawn Peterson, a general manager at PEZ, told NBC Connecticut. “It was a fun thing up until this point.”

The company also commented on its Facebook event about the chaos:

Unfortunately people chose to enter the first field prior to anyone from PEZ staff starting the activity. The crowd moved to the 2nd field, waited for only a couple of minutes and proceeded to rush the field without being directed to do so and before the posted start time. The crowd then immediately moved to the 3rd field and took over and removed everything well before the activity was to even start.

The general manager and other staff Visitor Center staff members were on hand trying to talk with as many people as we possibly could, letting them know if someone didn’t get an egg or candy, we had plenty of candy at the front entry for them. We sincerely tried our best to create a fun, free activity for everyone to enjoy.

We made efforts to get everyone something before they left and passed out tons of candy and coupons and the front entry and tried to make the best of an unfortunate situation. Due to the actions of a few, the good intent quickly turned into a mess. I would like to sincerely apologize to each of our guests, this was not something created to frustrate or make people angry. We only wanted to do good for the local community.

Let us all be grateful this Easter season for friends, family, and the horrifying disaster that was the PEZ egg hunt.