In April, a concerned Florida man pulled into the driveway of sheriff’s deputy, climbed on top of the officer’s SUV, and danced for five minutes to to “Rich Girl” by Hall & Oates and “Goodbye Stranger” by Supertramp. Once arrested, the Smoking Gun reports that the suspect, Christian Radecki, told police that he was looking for the “Sheriff of Nottingham” to help him fight off a “woman with fangs” and other vampires who were looking to slaughter small children.

Radecki ended his interpretive dance on Sergeant Frederic Janke’s police-issued vehicle by ripping off its windshield wipers and then stealing an American flag from a neighbor, which he waved around while marching on Janke’s property.

But Radecki had a reasonable explanation for his actions. From the Smoking Gun:

After being taken into custody, cops reported, Radecki explained that he went to Janke’s residence because “when he opened his front door, a woman with fangs was threatening him, and that a human sacrifice was about to occur involving vampires.” Investigators added that Radecki claimed that he “made the conscious decision to get the Sheriff of Nottingham to help him stop the slaughter of small children.”

The 44-year-old suspect was arrested on misdemeanor disturbing the peace and property damage charges and released on $2250. His freedom, however, was short-lived. Just a few weeks later he was arrested for petty larceny and taken to Lee County Jail, where he remains awaiting trials for both cases.

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