Dave Brockie aka Oderus Urungus, former frontman of thrash metal band GWAR, was given his second memorial at Friday's annual GWAR-B-Q in the only way appropriate: by having his costume lit on fire and set out into the middle of Hadad's Lake in Virginia. Brockie died of a heroin overdose in March this year.

The funeral, which was Brockie's second (the first being held for family and friends on April Fool's Day), was open to all attendees of the fifth annual GWAR-B-Q. Randy Blythe of Lamb of God posted the following eulogy on Instagram in Brockie's honor:

Tonight we sent Oderus home in a fitting manner at the public memorial for Dave Brockie. A blazing Viking ship with Oderus laid out in it, the cuttlefish pointing proudly straight up. Watching my friend Dave's costume go up in flames in front of a thousand fans was so much more intense for me than the private memorial for friends & family we had April Fool's Day. I spoke at both of them, as GWAR asked me to, & both times as I spoke I was sad. But watching his alter-ego burn tore me up way more than the first memorial, maybe because there was Dave, the human who was my friend who just "left us"- I never saw his body- & then there was Oderus, who was something entirely else. To watch his stage gear burn was like watching part of my life literally go up in flames. I was sobbing my eyes out as I took this photo. It was just a super-intense moment. Very beautiful, but overwhelming. Fly free, Oderus- you are missed.

You can watch a clip of the pyre being set alight here:

[h/t Uproxx]