Step 1: Catch a boot to the head while trying to take a selfie with a passing train. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit!

Jared Michael Frank, the man who became famous(ish) when you couldn't stop watching a loop of a conductor's foot colliding with his hipster face, is now turning that fame into fortune. Apparently media companies are in a rush to piggyback on his classic video and its 22 million YouTube views, and they're offering him thousands of dollars in advertising and licensing opportunities.

YouTube's official monthly figures haven't been totaled up yet, but Frank could bank anywhere from $30,000 to $250,000, CBC reports.

"I'm a little worried, but I have a decent relationship with the licensing company, so I trust them," he said Monday. "I did a lot of research first."

Frank, of Regina, Saskatchewan, says he'll use the money to pay for his recent trip to Peru, which is where he captured the famous video, and also to go to film school. He has a few movie ideas he'd like to work on.

[H/T Digg]