One of the suspects from yesterday’s shooting at an anti-Muslim cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, has been identified as Elton Simpson, a Phoenix resident who was convicted of terror-related charges in 2010.

The Los Angeles Times reports that in 2010 Simpson was found guilty of mak­ing the false state­ments to the FBI about his apparent plans to go to Somalia to en­gage in ji­had. He received three years probation.

Shortly before the attack, Simpson reportedly sent out a tweet claiming responsibility for the attack. His account has since been suspended, though it reportedly included several retweets from ISIS-related accounts.

UPDATE 11:12 am: Garland Officer Joe Harn spoke at a press conference about the shooting this morning.

No bombs were found at the scene, Harn said. The organizers of Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest paid $10,000 for additional security, according to Harn, and planning for the event began two months ago.

[Image via AP]