Partway along his journey from writing two Scooby-Doo movies to directing Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn made a quick stop to do some porn with Sasha Grey. Sort of.

Around five years ago, Gunn and his brothers, Sean and Brian, created a webseries called PG Porn. It offers all the plot clichés of regular porn—a bus picks up a female passenger, a nurse performs a routine physical exam—with none of the sexy payoff.

In "Roadside Ass-Sistance," Gunn plays a helpful mechanic who wants to pop Sasha Grey's hood and solve her problems with his big tool. And he's willing to get paid in free pussy.

Who could have predicted that humble auto repairman would go on to make a universally acclaimed Marvel blockbuster that everyone loves, and watch it rake in nearly $100 million on opening weekend?

[H/T Reddit]