An Ohio woman who posted some controversial Facebook photos of her baby granddaughter—one in a roasting pan surrounded by potatoes and one with a pacifier duct-taped into her mouth—is surprised that Child Protective Services didn't get her hilarious jokes.

Facebook friends of the grandma, Jackie Sheaks, alerted CPS and local sheriffs about the photos, and she says both agencies came to her West Columbus home to check on the baby's well-being.

"It started as just a joke; we put a little tape on the pacifier because we were being silly. We wanted to share it with friends because everybody that knows us, knows we play around like that," Sheaks told Central Ohio's 10TV.

No charges have been filed against the grandparents, but Sheaks' husband, Tommy, says they've been suffering so much online harassment since the photos went viral that "we almost feel like we have to relocate."

Sheaks says she'll never take photos like this again, even though she thinks they're funny and everyone in the family has always liked them. She's learned her lesson, she says—not that there was anything wrong with the photos, but that other people are too uptight.

"What we think is funny, other people don't," she told 10TV.

[H/T Daily Mail, Photos: Facebook via 10TV]