For most people, Sasha and Malia Obama's spiritless appearance at this year's White House turkey pardon was a lesson about humility, showing how even the world's most powerful man is still just "ugh, Dad" to his teenage daughters. But one Republican House staffer saw something else entirely: two girls dishonoring America with their slutty clothes and brazen teen-ery.

"Dear Sasha and Malia [...] try showing a little class," read a Facebook post by Elizabeth Lauten, communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee. "Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect and not a spot at the bar."

Predictably, Lauten's bizarre rant about how the president's 13 and 16-year-old children looked like bar slags was poorly received, drawing fire after a screenshot was shared on Twitter by The Root's Yesha Callahan. As some noted, the comments seemed particularly ironic given the numerous alcohol-related charges racked up by Bush's daughters during the last Republican presidency.

On Friday, Lauten—who once served as the New Media Political Manager of the Republican National Committee—posted a (since deleted or made private) apology on Facebook:

I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager. After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no pace in my heart. Furthermore, I'd like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience.

UPDATE: Monday morning, Lauten told NBC News that her resignation is "in the works."

[Image via Facebook//h/t @YeshaCallahan]