New details emerged Tuesday night about Glenn Greenwald's new, as-yet unnamed website, including information about its funder and its potential hires.

The site's mystery backer was revealed by the Washington Post as Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay. The Post also reports that Greenwald has hired or is attempting to hire Laura Poitras, the filmmaker who collaborated with Greenwald on some of his early Edward Snowden scoops, and The Nation's Jeremy Scahill.

Omidyar, who is worth an estimated $8.5 billion, will fund Greenwald's new operation through the Omidyar Network, his "philanthropic investment firm." Omidyar has used the Omidyar Network to fund two other news sites: Backfence, a now-closed hyper-local news site focusing on the Washington area, and Honolulu Civil Beat, a three-year-old investigative reporting site based in Hawaii.

UPDATE: A rep from the Omidyar Group emailed the following correction, which differs from the information in the Washington Post's article:

The funding for the new venture will come through Pierre Omidyar, personally, not through Omidyar Network. Additionally, Honolulu Civil Beat is not funded through Omidyar Network. It is a separate entity.

An earlier version of this post mistakenly stated that The Washington Post's Barton Gellman was a potential hire.

[Image via AP]