On Wednesday night, Danzig headlined the Cuban Club in Ybor City, Florida. During the opening of doom-rock ballad "Blood and Tears," the eponymous gloom-metal god noticed someone in the audience recording the performance and demanded, "Somebody punch that fucking asshole right there."

According to a YouTube commenter who claimed to be at the same show, the venue had signs posted all over the place forbidding video and photographs. In response, the "fucking asshole" with the smartphone—who uploaded the evidence to YouTube with the title, "Glenn Danzig is an Asshole"—pled ignorance:

I didn't see those signs. There was no mention on the Groupon ticket about such a policy. Thank God I didn't pay full price and even got a free drink out of it. I'm not sending another dime this asshole's way. For the record, I didn't miss the show. I got back in.

He also didn't get punched—security booted him before anyone could oblige.

But, wait, who's the bigger asshole here? Dude buys a $19 ticket to see Danzig on Groupon, gets a free drink, and then gets angry when the guy onstage gets pissed that a coupon-waving tool down in front is watching the show through his smartphone screen? It's not as if asking fans to put down their phones is an uncommon request.

"This was my first time seeing Danzig," filicid wrote on YouTube. "Also my last." Don't think Glenn will mind.

[h/t Brooklyn Vegan]

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