The 26-year-old Beltway gossip and "memoirist" who flipped out on a guy who "dumped" her via text after two dates says she has no regrets — and neither should he.

In her first post-meltdown interview with InTheCapital, Quin Woodward Pu is asked if she regrets the texts she sent the man after seeing the Internet's response on Gawker and elsewhere.

"Nah. I am a writer," she responds in what is quickly becoming known as "Quintessential Quin-Speak."

She goes on:

This is what writing—and journalism—should do. It should incense. It should evoke, if not provoke. The reason this story has caught so much attention is because it is relatable, on both sides of the gender line. To be fair, the man has both my books; he also knew what he was getting himself into.

When asked to elaborate about what prompted her now-infamous SMS meltdown, Quin explains that the two-timer (that is, the man she went out with twice) had "just 24 hours prior broached a DTR," i.e. Define The Relationship — or as InTheCapital explains, "When a couple decides to be exclusive."

Quin "politely" tabled the discussion, but didn't bother mentioning that in her Little Black Blog post, "because it seemed unnecessarily merciless to point that out."

But somehow letting everyone know that she forwarded his private sexts to his bosses thus probably ruining his life (and, by extension, the life of his nine-year-old daughter), that's not unnecessarily merciless. Got it. Moving on.

For him to suddenly "dump" me after I'd already politely pumped the brakes on our still-nascent "relationship"—that is what caused the anger, to try to preemptively end things before they'd even begun because he felt I was pulling away.

Holy crap. You need to read the rest of this interview.

Quin wrote her own postmortem to the fallout over her callous behavior. Spoiler alert: She's unrepentant.

I celebrated my 26th bday with entire species of troglodyte-sapiens effectively paying my mortgage in ad and book sales in 36 hours and going fantastically nutso about my outrageous, offensive, and completely factual response to someone. I’ll save everyone the googling to report that yes, I am a writer, and yes, I write pretty egregiously honest memoirs. The Taylor Swift of literature. It has worked out quite well thus far.

Once you've come out of your coma, make sure to head over to Amazon to read some of the reviews for Quin's paperback memoir Type A+, which is currently a New York Times bestseller in the alternative universe where the Nazis won the war.


I had fun reading some of this book, but quite honestly, I am in a state of flux right now and am really not looking to read the rest of it. Sorry to be a downer, but I have no doubt the author will write another memoir because she is a funny, smart, cool girl! Good luck.

[image via PRWeb]