A report soon to be issued by the MTA warns of what any New Yorker who took the train to work yesterday already knows: on a sticky summer day, subway platforms get really fucking hot.

The report, a draft of which was obtained by Capital New York, examines the potential effects of climate change on MTA trains. As we learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, flooding will be a major problem, and so will heat. From the report:

Flooding is not the only climate change risk to the system. Extreme temperatures, particularly rising temperatures in the summer months, can stress the M.T.A. system. At higher temperatures, expansion joints on bridges and highways are stressed, and the instance of rail track stresses and track buckling increases. Underground, subway platforms and stations could become dangerously hot for riders.

Not just hot, but dangerously hot. What better way to travel to work than soaked in your own filthy sweat?

The didn't offer comment to Capital, and it's unclear whether the report proposes any remedies for the heat. Richard Barone of the nonprofit Regional Plan Association did offer some suggestions: air conditioning, cooling stations, and lighter trains, which would operate on less energy and generate less heat.

"There comes a breaking point for us, as far as people fainting, health problems, people getting sick," Barone said. "At some of our stations, we're close to that tipping point where it's unbearable for the customer."

[Image via Flickr]