Data recovered from Germanwings Flight 9525's second "black box" appears to corroborate the dominant theory that the plane's co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, intentionally crashed the Airbus A320, killing himself and 149 others.

"A first reading shows that the pilot in the cockpit used the automatic pilot to put the airplane on a descent toward an altitude of 100 feet," France's Bureau of Investigations and Analyses said Friday. “Then several times during the course of the descent, the pilot adjusted the automatic pilot so as to increase the speed of the plane as it descended.”

This second recorder, the BBC reports, "holds technical information on the time of radio transmissions and the plane's acceleration, airspeed, altitude and direction, plus the use of auto-pilot," and was recovered from the crash site Thursday. Data retrieved from the plane's other recorder suggested that Lubitz had locked his co-pilot out of the cockpit.

Prosecutors in Dusseldorf also announced yesterday that they were able to reconstruct web searches Lubitz made on his iPad in the days leading up to the crash, and found that he had researched suicide methods and airplane cockpit door safety.

[Image via AP]