George Zimmerman's attorney is quitting on him, kind of.

Mark O'Mara, who helped successfully defend Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin murder case, said today that he will not represent Zimmerman in his upcoming divorce or for any charges stemming from a domestic dispute with his estranged wife and father-in-law yesterday. ABC reports that O'Mara "appeared to struggle with his anger at his client during Monday's incident in which he went to Zimmerman's house while police were still there." At a press conference following the argument, O'Mara responded tersely to a question asking if he had any advice for Zimmerman. "Pay me," he said.

O'Mara isn't severing all of his ties with his reviled client, of course, because there's still some money to be squeezed from the circus show that is George Zimmerman's life. The lawyer, who now moonlights as a CNN legal analyst, will still serve as Zimmerman's counsel in a defamation suit against NBC.

[Image via AP]