If it happens, this will be a shitshow: Noted child killer George Zimmerman is reportedly set to fight America's number one wedding rapper DMX in a celebrity boxing match later this year.

The three-round fight will be officially announced next week and will take place on March 1, according to TMZ.

DMX, for one, is excited about the brawl.

"I am going to beat the living fuck out him," he told TMZ. "I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I fuck him right up. Once I am done with him, I am going to whip my dick out and piss on him, right in his motherfucking face."

Making the whole thing more depressing? Damon Feldman, the fight's promotor, originally planned on officially announcing the fight today, which would have been Trayvon Martin's 19th birthday.

[Images via AP]