George Zimmerman was arrested this afternoon and is being held in the Seminole County Jail in Sanford, Florida, according to the Orlando Sentinel and TMZ. Charges have not yet been announced, but Karla Ray of Eyewitness News 9 is reporting that Zimmerman was arrested after a domestic disturbance involving his new girlfriend and a gun.

UPDATE: According to TMZ, Zimmerman's girlfriend claims she's pregnant. If true, that would make the domestic violence charge an automatic felony. While no charges are listed, the Seminole County Sheriff's website says Zimmerman is being held without bail.

If this sounds familiar, well, it is. In addition to shooting an unarmed teenager to death last year, Zimmerman was detained in September for a domestic incident involving his then-wife and a gun.

UPDATE 5:30 P.M.: Zimmerman's been charged:

George Zimmerman has been charged with domestic violence charges — including aggravated assault with a weapon, a felony, as well as misdemeanor charges of battery and criminal mischief — after he was arrested Monday afternoon in Florida following a fight with his girlfriend, authorities told reporters Monday evening. Zimmerman was being held without bond and was set to appear in court for the first time at 1:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, the sheriff's office said.

The incident took place at a home Zimmerman shares with the victim, who police identified as Samantha Scheibe. From ABC News:

"When we arrived, the victim indicated that she and George Zimmerman were having a verbal dispute and at that time she alleged that he had broken a table and pointed a long-barrel shotgun at her," Seminole County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma said at a news conference.

She managed to work her way to the front door of the residence and call 911 on her cell phone.

"At that time, he actually pushed her out of the front of the residence and barricaded the door with some furniture," Lemma said.

When authorities arrived, the girlfriend gave officers a key to the home and they were able to open the door, push away the furniture and confront Zimmerman.

Here's Scheibe's 911 call, via TMZ: