Poor ol' George Zimmerman. According to attorney Don West, the killer of Trayvon Martin just can't catch a break. This weekend, West told reporters that his client "hasn't been very lucky with the ladies" after Zimmerman was arrested for domestic violence (again) on Friday.

West, who also represented Zimmerman in the Martin case, said he didn't want to "speculate" about the circumstances surrounding his client's arrest, but nonetheless weighed in on the subject of the poor schlub's love life.

Among Zimmerman's misfortunes: Allegedly committing domestic violence against his fiancee, allegedly threatening to shoot his wife, allegedly pointing a cocked shotgun at his pregnant girlfriend, and, most recently, allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his new girlfriend.

I guess it's like the say, "Lucky at [evading punishment for the killing of an unarmed teenager], unlucky in love."

[Image via WESH-TV//h/t Daily Mail]