On Saturday afternoon, a man in Western Australia decided to board the carcass of a dead whale that had been floating in the water for several weeks, "surfing" it for fun—until he noticed that the waters all around him were spotted with hungry sharks.

Harrison Williams, 26, told the Daily Mail Australia that he was trying to save the whale, saying "Basically the whale looked in distress and I tried to help it. But clearly I was too late," though there could have been no way for this man to have confused the dead whale for, uh, a live whale. Williams explained to Perth Now, "I was out on the boat with the boys and one of my mates said it would be pretty funny to surf the whale so I did it."

According to Perth Now, Williams saw the sharks when he swam over to the whale, but they didn't deter him. Instead, when a great white shark popped up to munch on the dead creature, his friends came to his rescue with the nearby boat. As the Daily Mail reports, Williams is a lover of extreme sports and as Williams himself shared, his parents think he is an idiot.

[Image via Perth Now]