Jim is not judgmental. Jim is Jim. Take it from Jim.

Last week, we heard from Jim, an 80-year-old man who is "still playing basketball" and can "hit a golf ball farther than you." He had a hot tip: "the Latin kids coming from Latin America," Jim said, are "being sent here to fill a void for all the abortions." Today, Jim left us another voice mail to compliment us on our courage for publishing the post, and ask why we pulled it down so quickly.

We didn't pull it, Jim, but your latest communiqué is probably worth publishing anyway. Here it is:

Hi, this is Jim again. I'm not judgmental. I'm Jim. Why did you pull my piece about the Latin kids—welcome to America, because of the abortion rate? You had courage to print it, but you pulled it so quick. Did I get you in trouble?

I am a conservative in my mind, but my behavior is more like Frida's husband. Remember that great movie, Frida? I really enjoy Gawker. You're authentic. Tell it like it is.

This is Jim. In fact, I am 80 years old, and I'm still playing basketball, and can hit a golf ball farther than you. And I did have the highest profile jobs at the World Bank, the National Gallery of Art, GM proving grounds, and Rex Humbard's ministry—TV ministry. I helped him with his greatest miracle. Maybe you'll want to know what that is sometime.

God bless you. Keep up the four-letter words. This is Jim.