Yesterday, Gawker asked readers about any attractive veterans they knew—either public figures or their own families. This post is dedicated to submissions we received for family members and friends—boyfriends and girlfriends, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and anyone else in-between. (You can read our earlier post for public figures here.)

In no particular order:

Irmavep sent these two photos with a note: “My father Charles, WWII, US Army Air Corp, B24 pilot. Flew 30+ missions over Europe.”

Bayonet1974 sent us the following photo of his father, writing: “Name: Ivan. Service: Navy, obviously. Accomplishments: Being damned good looking.”

Ratched writes in with a photo of her father, Quinton: “Navy, USS Bagley DD-386. Was docked at Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941. Fought at Saipan, Guadalcanal and other battles in the Pacific Theater during WWII.”

Amanda2844 sent photos of two vets: “I work in Hollywood and know a lot of hot vets in the industry I am giving them shout outs.”

Left: Ryan, U.S. Army: “Director of Photography for tons of movies, documentaries, TV shows. Super talented and cool. Other accomplishments include curating his Tinder and looking vaguely like Nick from the New Girl.”

Right: Alex, U.S. Army: “Runs a non-profit for Veterans in TV and Film. Great at winning arguments, has an MFA.”

Seabear sent us a photo of his girlfriend and Marine Corps veteran Jacqueline (on the left) and her BFF:

He added: “Accomplishments: Corporal— United States Marine Corps, Intelligence Analyst. Iraq War Veteran—worked 12 hours on 12 off for a year with no days off, putting up with often clueless higher-ups nonsense. UC Berkeley Grad with High Honors—pretty girls get good grades.”

The pair, pictured left, met in the Marine Corps and have an English Bull Terrier named Chompers.

Mlee sent this photo of their father, Don (pictured at age 19), who served in the Navy:

Caity Weaver sent a photo of her grandfather Tom, who served in the Army. “Accomplishments: Served in a security detail at the Nuremberg Trials,” Caity wrote. “Voted #1 Poppop of Pennsylvania by me!!!”

Ellojen sent this photo below, writing:

MY GRANDPA! I would put myself or other family members but I think he has the most studliest military photo of us all.

Name: David. Branch: US ARMY. Any accomplishments: Being the best grandpa a girl could ever have :) Fantastic family man and incredible athlete. Was just entered into his school’s Hall of Fame as a Legend for his track records.

ShiLinz sent the following photo with a note: “My husband Dean, US ARMY, Bronze Star & ARCOM with Valor. I am one lucky girl, not only did a marry an awesome person but also a hero, a great father & he’s pretty easy on the eyes too!”

Financialpanther sent this photo of her fiancé’s great-grandfather, a Rear Admiral in the Canadian Navy:

Last but not least, Barfmachine sent the photo below, writing: “Ft. Hood, Texas, 1956. My Dad.”

If we missed any, let us know below.