Game of Thrones Reminds Man of Child Left in Hot Car

According to a police affidavit released today, a Wichita, Kan. foster parent was reminded of the 10-month-old girl he left in his car after seeing a crying child on an episode of Game of Thrones. The foster parent, Seth Jackson, 29, has been charged by police with first-degree murder. Jackson was smoking weed, eating pizza, and watching TV with his partner for about two hours while the child was in the car on a 90 degree day.
According to the Associated Press, Jackson apparently left the 10-month-old in the car after arriving home from picking her up from a babysitter and taking their adopted five-year-old to a doctor's appointment. After watching about one and a half episodes of Game of Thrones, Jackson remembered the 10-month-old in the car, and he and his partner rushed out to the car.
More from the Associated Press:
The partner told investigators the girl was hot and stiff when he grabbed her from the car and carried her into the house. As he called 911, Jackson attempted CPR but could not get the child's mouth open, according to the affidavit filed by Wichita police detective Ryan Schomaker.
"I left her in the car, she's dead, she's dead," police witnessed Jackson saying on the phone when they arrived at the scene.
Foster's partner, the Wichita Eagle reports, had been working in their backyard and went inside after Jackson had already returned home. Foster's partner has not been charged by police in the child's death.
The two were apparently trying to adopt the 10-month-old, and had raised her since she was two-weeks-old. The parents currently have three foster children and two adopted children.