After more than two months on the loose in rural Delaware, a six-foot-tall emu named Eddie has been captured by employees from a Clayton petting zoo, CBS Philly reports. He’s been transported to a farm and will be put up for adoption.

Eddie the emu showed up on a farm in Odessa, Delaware, over two months ago, Tom Curley, in whose backyard Eddie was finally apprehended, told CBS. “I’ve seen on the news that there was an emu on the loose, but I didn’t suspect it was around here.”

Eddie evaded many attempts at capture. “He’s very crafty,” said Lea Hutchins, who owned the 1,000-acre farm Eddie called home until recently.

His origin is mysterious: Delaware Department of Agriculture officials were unable to identify an owner at any nearby emu farms.

At one point, people became so enamored with Eddie that they were getting out of their cars on the highway to take selfies with him, CBS Philly reports. Also, someone tried to shoot him.

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