A banker wanted for embezzling $21 million from Montgomery Bank & Trust, a small bank in Ailey, Georgia, was arrested Tuesday after 18 months on the run. During that time Aubrey Lee Price had gone from a clean-cut banker to something resembling an independent circuit pro wrestler.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Price, who now faces fraud charges and civil lawsuits from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, disappeared in June 2012, leaving behind a suicide note saying he planned to leap off a ferry into the ocean in Florida. A month later Price would be indicted for bank fraud.

Authorities and his family presumed Price was dead, but police finally apprehended him after pulling him over on Tuesday under suspicion that the windows on his 2001 Dodge pickup were tinted too darkly. Price is said to have been living as a migrant worker during his time on the lam, taking cash payments for odd jobs.