Vegetable farmers in Morlaix, France have taken to the streets to protest falling prices on their products, and they are not joking around. In an attempt have their cause recognized, they've begun dumping artichokes and manure everywhere and have burned down tax and insurance offices.

The farmers in Morlaix are upset because of falling prices on their products after Russian embargos on European foods shrunk their export market.

Via the BBC:

About 100 farmers first launched an overnight attack on an insurance office outside Morlaix, which they set light to and completely destroyed, officials said.

They then drove their tractors to the main tax office in the town where they dumped unsold artichokes and cauliflowers, smashed windows and then set the building on fire.

French media said the farmers then blocked a busy main road in Morlaix in both directions.

After burning one tax office down, the farmers attempted to prevent firefighters from fighting the blaze, causing the mayor of Morlaix to release an official statement saying that he "vigorously condemns" the acts of looting and violence.

[Image via BBC]