The ancient and honorable rivalry between the TKE and Pi Kappa Alpha frats at the University of Georgia escalated early Sunday morning when someone in the TKE house decided to settle things like a gentleman and fired a warning shot from a semi-automatic handgun into the cold, stupid Athens night.

According to campus police, a "white college aged male wearing a black or dark colored coat" emerged onto the second floor landing of TKE (motto: "better men for a better world") and shot once into the air before leveling the gun at a group of five or six Pikes (vision statement: "to set the standard of integrity, intellect, and achievement"). Members of both frats fled into their respective houses, and no one was hurt.

The perpetrator has been identified, but police did not specify whether he was one of these "better men" or, if so, what sort of "better world" University of Georgia students can look forward to.

It is illegal to possess firearms on the UGA campus, including in fraternity and sorority houses.

"At this time there is no reason to believe that there should be concern for the safety of those involved in this incident or any continued threat towards the University of Georgia community," the police statement concludes.

End fraternities before they end each other.

[H/T TFM, Photo: TKE at UGA/Facebook]