Five Pi Kappa Alpha brothers at Ole Miss were arrested Friday in connection with an assault that allegedly left another student beaten “within an inch of his life.” Tucker Steil, James Basile, Christian Guy, Kyle Hughes, and Austin Rice—real names—were charged with everything from hazing to larceny to felony assault. Given their smiley mugshots above, they don’t seem too bummed out about it.

Local news station WFLA reports that the assault allegedly took place outside another fraternity house belonging to Sigma Pi on October 6. The victim, Sigma Pi brother Jeremy Boyle, reportedly “heard a noise” outside the house, went outside, and was “jumped by five Pi Kappa Alpha members.”

Ole Miss’s campus newspaper The Daily Mississippian reports Boyle suffered a “concussion, several broken teeth, a ruptured eardrum and a lung contusion” following the alleged attack. The victim’s grandfather, Robert Boyle, told WFLA, “They descended upon him and beat him unmercifully. Beat him within an inch of his life.”

Per the Mississippian, the Pikes were charged as follows:

Tucker Cole Steil, a general studies major and Pi Kappa Alpha, was arrested on a felony-level charge of assault. James Declan Basile, a business student, was arrested on charges of assault, hazing and larceny. Christian Guy and Kyle Hughes, business majors, were arrested on charges of larceny. Austin Rice, engineering major, was arrested on charges of larceny as well.

Pi Kappa Alpha chapter president Gunther Kenudston—another real name—told WFLA that “those were actions of individuals, and the actions were not connected to fraternity business.”

Any motive for the alleged attack has yet to be reported.

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