The University of Central Florida suspended its Sigma Nu fraternity chapter last month after video surfaced of brothers chanting “rape,” “let’s rape some bitches,” and “let’s rape some sluts” at a frat party in June. The Orlando Sentinel reported last night that—surprise!—one of the bros heard chanting in the video has actually been accused of sexual assault.

The Sentinel notes that the video above was recorded by a woman who was dating a Sigma Nu brother at the time. She knew that one of the brothers chanting “rape” had been accused of sexual assault, so she sent the recording to the victim. The victim, who is a UCF student, then filed a student conduct incident report. Both the woman who recorded the video and the victim confirmed to the Sentinel that the victim’s alleged assailant can be heard chanting in the video.

The victim originally reported the alleged assault—which she says took place at an off-campus Sigma Nu party last October—to UCF police in February. The UCFPD then curiously forwarded the case to the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s office in April. The Sigma Nu brother has yet to be charged with a crime. When the Sentinel asked the State Attorney’s office for comment, spokeswoman Angela Starke would not even confirm the case had been received. “We get 80,000 cases a year to review,” she offered.

According to The Huffington Post, the Sigma Nu chapter is on interim suspension until Thursday, pending a university hearing regarding the “rape” chant video that day.

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