[There was a video here]

After meeting with President Obama to discuss such far-reaching issues as human rights and climate change, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, stopped by Fox News for a debriefing. Fox News had other ideas.

At the end of the interview, in an exchange that is equal parts incredible and excruciating, Fox News host Bret Baier asks His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama if he’s ever seen the movie Caddyshack.

Descriptions cannot do it justice, so instead I present the exchange in full:

Bret Baier: Last thing, have you ever seen the movie Caddyshack?

Dalai Lama: What?

Baier: Caddyshack, the movie.

Dalai Lama: I don’t know.

Baier: The part about the Dalai Lama. Have you ever played golf?

Dalai Lama: No.

Baier: You’re not a big hitter?

Dalai Lama: In badminton.

Baier: But not golf?

Dalai Lama: No.

Baier: There’s a classic movie called Caddyshack where they talk about the Dalai Lama.

Dalai Lama: I see.

Baier: I had to ask you about it.

Dalai Lama: I don’t know.

Baier: Well thank you very much for the time.

Baier is, of course, referring to the below scene from a fictional film:

But hey, at least Baier got the question out of his system. Which is nice.

Or not.

[h/t @JoePerticone]