BioShock Infinite creator Ken Levine describes the game as a Rorshach test. What you make of Columbia—a sort of alternate-history America with more flying islands and killer George Washington robots—probably says more about you than it does about BioShock Infinite. Do you read the imagery as patriotism or propaganda?

Fox News apparently falls into the former camp, having co-opted BioShock Infinite's tongue-in-cheek stars-and-stripes-forever logo for a segment on "defending the homeland."

Levine himself spotted the not-so-subtle lift and appreciated the delicious irony of Fox News borrowing design elements from a game that more or less mocks the network's core audience. Apparently conservative symbolism from the video game version of 1912 can make the leap to real-life 2014 with very little lost in translation.

"Glad to help, Fox. Glad to help," Levine wrote on Facebook.

This isn't the first time conservatives have missed the point of BioShock Infinite. Although some Tea Party supporters felt targeted by the game, others just embraced it in staggeringly literal fashion.

This image appeared on the Facebook page of Florida's National Liberty Foundation—one of the very Tea Party groups it was intended to satirize—less than a year ago:

What's next, a Comstock 2016 campaign?

[H/T AV Club]