It’s been a rough ride for Katie Rees, the former Miss Nevada 2007. Donald Trump took away her crown over some Girls Gone Wild-style photos showing her exposing a nipple and “simulating sexual acts” at a Florida nightclub, and she didn’t get to compete in the 2007 Miss USA pageant. Now she’s facing a series of meth-related charges after she was caught allegedly dealing in Vegas.

The charges against Rees, 30, were filed Monday and include “trafficking in a controlled substance, sale of a controlled substance, and two counts of conspiracy to violate the uniform controlled substances act,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.

Police say she sold meth to one “J. Peacock” last September, then was caught with 5.3 grams the next month. She’s also accused of working with “unknown co-conspirators.”

A warrant was issued for Rees’s arrest Wednesday. She was previously charged with resisting arrest in 2008 and drug possession in 2012.

The Review-Journal also mentions a 2009 appearance on Border Security: Australia’s Front Line, where Rees’s bags tested positive for traces of coke and meth, but she wasn’t arrested. Let’s review the tape:

It’s fair to say this has not been one of the better months in the already-checkered history of Miss USA.

[Photo: Las Vegas Metropolitan PD]