Photo: AP

If Roger Ailes has at times reminded you of a depraved, wizened Roger Sterling, don’t worry you are not alone.

Remember, Ailes is the guy who resigned as chairman and CEO of Fox News this week after dozens of women accused him of sexually harassing them. These allegations go as far back as the ‘60s, a time when workplace sexism also existed.

In a Washington Post article published Friday, in which dozens of current and former Fox News employees spoke anonymously (either because they had signed a nondisclosure agreement, or feared retribution), a former high-ranking network executive said:

I look at Roger [Ailes], it’s like Mad Men. This guy can of age in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s when it was a whole different culture. I don’t think he was thinking [what he was saying] was really all that bad.

The executive makes a strong case.