Today, footage surfaced of Florida governor Rick Scott, at a Starbucks in Gainesville, getting yelled at by a customer—local woman Cara Jennings, who is none to happy with the governor.

“You cut Medicaid so I couldn’t get Obamacare,” Jennings shouts. “You’re an asshole. You don’t care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here.”

The two have a small back and forth as Scott attempts to remind the customer that he’s “created 1 million jobs.” “Where?” Jennings responds.

As he leaves the cafe—without any coffee—Jennings accuses Scott of denying women access to vital care, presumably because that is precisely what the governor did last month. He then says something unintelligible back to the customer before hurrying out of the store.

Jenning told ABC Action News that she knew she had to say something about the abortion bill to the governor when she saw him in her local Starbucks and that “a number of people came up to me and thanked me.”

Rick Scott, who recently endorsed Donald Trump, can’t even get a cup of coffee these days.