Five asshole teenagers are now facing criminal charges after they tricked an autistic boy into dumping feces, urine, and cigarette butts on himself by telling him it was part of the "Ice Bucket Challenge."

Last month, Bay Village, Ohio police identified the group of juveniles who allegedly tricked an autistic 15-year-old boy into dumping feces, urine and cigarette butts on himself by telling him it was an "ice bucket challenge." The video went viral after the boy's mother saw it on his phone and alerted police.

Local prosecutors say the five assholes now facing a judge in juvenile court are all between the ages of 14 and 16. Three of them are reportedly charged with delinquency, assault and disorderly conduct and the other two face disorderly conduct charges.

"The victim and the five charged juveniles were and are friends and classmates. They regularly associate with one another and, at times, engage in distasteful and sophomoric pranks," Bay Village prosecutor Duane Deskins said in a statement. "However, this incident is clearly different. It crossed a moral and legal line, and even the five alleged perpetrators understand that and have expressed regret."