After falling off of their boat and treading water for over 14 hours, a couple in Florida was rescued on Saturday morning by a group of men who were out fishing. They were spotted seven miles offshore in the Atlantic Ocean.

50-year-old Sean McGovern and 52-year-old Mellisa Morris fell off of their 30-foot Island Hopper boat in Key Largo at around 6 P.M. on Friday. According to WSVN, they were treading water until they were found the next morning—over 14 hours—without any life vests or means to communicate with nearby boaters:

"When we heard their story, it was pretty impressive," said [Broward Sheriff's Office firefighter Keith] Silvis, who helped pull 50-year-old Sean McGovern and 52-year-old Mellisa Morris from the Atlantic Ocean.

"[They were] pretty distraught, tired," Silvis continued. "You could tell they had been in the water for a long time."

To make matters worse, McGovern told his rescuers that they had been stung by three or four jellyfish during the course of the evening. According to BSO detective Josh Webb, who aided in the rescue, they got to the pair just in time:

"Another 30 minutes to an hour, it probably wouldn't have the same outcome as it did today, because they were in pretty bad shape. They were both cramping pretty bad, they were both very dehydrated, very tired. They appeared [to be] mildly hypothermic."

"We originally thought they were fish," said rescuer James White.

[Image via Shutterstock]