Protip: After firing your head chef just days before Christmas for wanting to take time off to spend with his newborn daughter (pictured, left), remember to take away his access to the restaurant's official Twitter account.

Unfortunately for them, the Plough Pub in Oxfordshire, England, failed to follow that basic rule of wrongful termination, leading sacked chef Jim Knight to seize its Twitter feed so he could tell his side of the story:

Knight later took to his own Twitter account to clarify that he hadn't hacked The Plough's account.

Rather, Knight says he created the account, and appears to be the only one at the restaurant with access to it (the tweets are still up almost a full day later).

Though The Plough's website was flooded with visits following Knight's "hijacking," he says this story has a happy ending for him as well:

[photo, screengrabs via Twitter]