Furious 7, the seventh movie in the near-perfect Fast and Furious film franchise, premiered today at a worldwide streamable event appropriately titled "The Road to Furious 7," featuring interviews and goofing off from the movie's cast members who are all best friends and family, forever and ever.

At the end of the event, the trailer for Furious 7 streamed behind the cast, just after star and producer Vin Diesel described it as "the best trailer I've ever seen" (not wrong) and Michelle Rodriguez claimed it to be a "cargasm" (also true). The seventh film features CGI Paul Walker against my wishes and a featuring role from English action star Jason Statham. The movie is set to premiere in April of 2015.

In the trailer above, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is seen ripping a full-length arm cast off of his arm in order to ignite a brawl and several cars are parachuted from planes. God bless this franchise and may April arrive swiftly.