The Force family will forever remember their little dachshund Bradley as being larger than life.

"He was only four to five pounds, but in his mind I think he thought he was 100 lbs," Lisa Force told 7&4 News.

Bradley — or Brad as he was known to his loved ones — died tragically last week from wounds he sustained fighting off a black bear that was preparing to pounce on two Force family friends.

The two men were riding in a golf cart through the woods by the Forces' Oscoda County, Michigan, house, when they suddenly encountered a mama bear and her cubs.

As the 400-pound bear "stared the men down," they readied themselves for the worst.

And that's when Bradley leapt into action.

Literally: "Brad jumped off the golf cart and attacked the big bear, they got into a scuffle," John Force told UpNorthLive.

Though he managed to scare the bear away and return to the men, Bardley's bite wounds proved too severe, and he passed away an hour later.

"I believe honestly the outcome would've been different if Brad had not been with him," John said. "If the bear had attacked Brad, It certainly would've attacked the men who were bigger than Brad."

Being "fearless" was in Brad's nature, said Lisa, who noted that he often outshines the family's two other, much larger dogs.

"I would expect him to protect me before the rottweilers probably," she said.

[H/T: NYDN, video via UpNorthLive]