Following another confirmed case of meningitis on campus this week, the FDA has urged Princeton University to offer a drug that hasn't even been approved for use in the United States yet.

The vaccine, which is called Bexsero, has been approved in Europe and Australia, but has not yet made it to the United States. The meningitis case this week was the ivies' seventh since march.

"I think a lot of people are concerned by the fact that it didn't go away in the summer when everybody left," student Kristie Schott told CBS News. "I don't think there's ever been so many cases on a college campus, but I think it's smart of them to consider precautions because there have been deaths at other colleges. And we're lucky we haven't had a death yet here."

Right now no vaccine for type B meningococcal bacteria, the type found in Princeton, has been approved for use in the United States.

"This is a bad disease and we know how devastating it is," Dr. Thomas Clark, acting head of the Centers for Disease Control's meningitis branch, told NBC News. "A lot of us had a gut feeling that there would be more cases and we should get the ball rolling."

The Princeton administration has been reminding students to wash their hands and not share utensils. But with a serious disease that can also be spread by kissing and hugging, it's tough to eliminate it from a campus. The administration hopes to inoculate all 8,000 students at the university, in the hopes of heading off a disease that kills 10% of young adults it infects.