Photo: AP

According to CNN, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe is “the subject of an ongoing investigation,” conducted by the FBI and the Justice Department’s public integrity unit.

McAuliffe took office in 2014, the same year former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen were convicted on corruption charges.

CNN reports the joint investigation has been going on since last year and that McAuliffe had not been notified he was the subject. They did not report which crimes McAuliffe—a notoriously aggressive fundraiser—has been accused of, but officials anonymously tell CNN it concerns “whether donations to his gubernatorial campaign violated the law.” CNN identifies one $120,000 donation from Chinese businessman Wang Wenliang as drawing scrutiny, though it’s unclear why. Which is all to say, McAuliffe won’t be getting that VP nod any time soon, despite his years as a Clinton Global Initiative board member.

Still, whatever happens, he should be fine—just last month he restored voting rights to all felons in the state.