The 71-year-old ex-cop who killed a fellow moviegoer and injured the victim's wife for texting in the theater will remain in custody without bail, because "the evidence of guilt is significant," according to the judge who arraigned him. He reportedly also had threatened movie patrons before.

Curtis Reeves Jr. faces second degree murder charges for fatally shooting 43-year-old Chad Oulsen in the chest, according the the Tampa Bay Times. Reeves claims he feared he was being assaulted by the younger man, but the police timeline told a different story:

Neither man threw a punch, according to the report. Witnesses said Oulson hurled a bag of popcorn at Reeves, who then pulled a .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol from his pants pocket and fired once, the report states. The bullet struck Oulson's wife, Nicole, in the hand, which was on her husband's chest as she tried to break up the argument.

Sumter County sheriff's Cpl. Alan Hamilton was sitting five seats away and grabbed the gun from Reeves, deputies say. The two struggled for control for a few seconds before Reeves let go. The gun was jammed when Hamilton turned it over to deputies.

The Times says that after the shooting, another local woman, Jamira Dixon, came forward to say Reeves had accosted her weeks earlier for the same offense:

On Dec. 28, she said Reeves confronted her for texting during a movie. She said he was glaring at her, and that he even followed her to the restroom.

Dixon said her husband thought of confronting Reeves, but didn't. "It could have been us," she told Bay News 9.

[Screenshot courtesy of the Tampa Bay Times]