Photo: AP

Even John Kasich—the extremely conservative, arguably evil presidential candidate made moderate only in comparison to how batshit crazy his opponents are—thinks the North Carolina transgender bathroom bill is taking things a little too far.

“Everybody needs to take a deep breath, respect one another, and the minute we start trying to write laws, things become more polarized, they become more complicated,” Kasich said Sunday during an appearance on “Face the Nation.” This, from the man who gutted education, tanked the economy in his state, and falsely accused a cop of misconduct.

“I wouldn’t have signed that law from everything I know; I haven’t studied it,” the GOP presidential candidate added. “You just got to see what the laws are and what the proposals are and why you need to write a law. Why do we have to write a law every time we turn around in this country? Can’t we figure out just how to get along a little bit better and respect one another? I mean, that’s where I think we ought to be. Everybody chill out.”

“Everybody needs to chill out,” says the man who once threatened to ban the Grateful Dead from performing in his state because they wouldn’t let him jam onstage with them.

When John Kasich is the voice of reason, we’re all in trouble. Still—he’s right.