Keen readers of will already be aware that Gawker Media, known legally as Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotást Hasznosító Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, owns and operates a Hungarian-language news and gossip blog called

Correction: Gawker Media LLC's Legal department sent us a note to clarify that Kinja Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, formerly known as Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotást Hasznosító Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság is a separate company from Gawker Media LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

It is in many ways the best and most entertaining of all the blogs on the Gawker media network, not least when read through Google Translate. We particularly enjoyed this post about—in the words of editor Szily László—"a Hungarian guy who signed his ID card—which is your Sacred Document here, maybe like a driving licence in the US—YOLO."

Google Translate tells us: "This post is for those who just ugatják, the YOLO lifestyle."