A high school English teacher was arrested Thursday for feeding pot brownies to two female students even though come on it’s called high school what did you expect.

Camille Brennan, who taught honors classes to sophomores at Archbishop Hannan High School in Covington, La., was busted after one girl’s parents narced her out to the principal and police. Brennan resigned Wednesday. She’s now charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, two counts of narcotics distribution, and one count of being too chill for Catholic school.

“English classes are designed to serve students well beyond the confines of the English classroom,” the school’s curriculum guide notes, apparently very accurately.

“I ask your prayers for our entire school community,” said principal Rev. Charles Latour in an email to parents.

Best of luck to Archbishop Hannon as it weathers this difficult battle with the great green menace from Satan’s own garden.

[h/t The Smoking Gun, Photo: St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office]