Emory University's Alpha Epsilon Pi brothers found swastikas spray-painted on their house during the last hours of Yom Kippur this weekend. It's not clear who was responsible for the anti-Semitic vandalism, but some students on Facebook have suggested other students may be to blame.

In an email to Emory students, University President James Wagner wrote, "Among the many pernicious things the swastika symbolizes, in the last century it represented the most egregious and determined undermining of intellectual freedom and truth-seeking. In short, its appearance on our campus is an attack against everything for which Emory stands."

Student outlet the Emory Wheel collected Facebook posts from students about the incident. Junior Katie Fishbein wrote, "In my heart of hearts, I know that most Emory students stand for peace and acceptance." Another frat, Omega Psi Phi, posted a statement of solidarity with a very important caveat:

In this moment of hardship, The Brothers of the Pi Delta Delta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity stand with the brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi. No one should have to be a victim of injustice and micro-aggressions simply for being who they are. This statement is not for likes, but to shine a light on the ignorance and hate that continues to plague Emory.

Wagner says cops are stepping up patrols on campus in light of the incident.

[Photo via Fox Atlanta]