Eliot Spitzer doesn't waste any time acknowledging the obvious in a new ad supporting his campaign for New York City Comptroller. "Look, I failed. Big time. I hurt a lot of people," he says, without actually using the words "prostitution ring," "Mann Act," or "skirting my own campaign reform laws on a technicality."

The one minute spot then goes on to paint Spitzer as a man seeking redemption through good works: "When you dig yourself a hole, you gonna lie in it the rest of your life, or you gonna do something positive?"

Spitzer then runs through his record as "the Sheriff of Wall Street," reiterating the idea that any "negative noise" about his campaign is coming from the corrupt financial sector anxious about his return to government. The recent lawsuit against Spitzer from AIG CEO Hank Greenberg only helps him make that case.

As far as Spitzer videos go, though, we preferred the one where Stephen Colbert asks whether the job of comptroller should go to someone who's displayed "a modicum of self-comptrol.”

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