A 77-year-old Walmart shopper attacked a handicapped, scooter-using fellow customer because the disabled man tried to purchase 22 items in a 20-items-or-less express line.

John Malherbe, 67, told police he was unloading his "electric shopping cart" in the express lane while the man behind him, identified as William Gollady, counted the number of items aloud. "When the count exceeded 20, Golladay began yelling at him that he had too many items and told him he couldn't use that register," a Charlotte County, Florida sheriff's deputy wrote in his report, according to the Smoking Gun.

Words were exchanged. Gollady walked away, but quickly returned and "intentionally pushed the metal shopping cart into Malherbe's right elbow causing pain," according to the police report.

Walmart managers walked Gollady out of the store but he reportedly stormed back in and confronted Malherbe "with both fists raised." Employees intervened and called police, who found Golladay "uncooperative and... ranting about how the man in front of him was in the 20 item express lane attempting to purchase over 20 items."

Police arrested Golladay on charges of battery on a person 65 years or older.