[There was a video here]

Almost a month after an EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo went missing with 66 people on board, officials say that several main sections of the plane have been discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, UPI reports.

On Wednesday, the Egyptian government said that wreckage from EgyptAir Flight 804 was found and photographed in “several main locations.” From The Wall Street Journal:

A specialized vessel, the John Lethbridge belonging to Deep Ocean Search Ltd., was able to provide the first images of Flight 804 wreckage to investigators, Egyptian officials said. The May 19 crash killed all 66 passengers and crew.

The search ship is equipped with a scanning sensor to pinpoint the location of the main body of the plane, and carries equipment to eventually recover the Airbus Group SE A320’s black boxes.

With the recovery of the black boxes, investigators are hoping to determine the cause of the crash, which is still unknown. According to the Journal, radar data now suggests that the plane was not brought down by an in-flight explosion, as some initially believed.

Time, however, is running out: According to the BBC, the plane’s black boxes are expected to lose their charge in just nine days.