Photo: YouTube

Last week, the food and restaurant website suspended its restaurant editor, Nick Solares, after former associates presented evidence of his involvement in New York City’s skinhead punk rock scene in the 1980s. Today staffers at Vox Media, which owns Eater, were informed that Solares would be invited back to work, according to several sources with knowledge of the internal announcement.

Solares disavowed his former beliefs in an essay posted on Eater’s website last Wednesday, but was placed on indefinite leave the following Friday after editors at Eater received a photograph of Solares hanging out, in late 2012, with several former skinheads, including one who played bass for the neo-Nazi band Skrewdriver. Solares’ subsequent suspension quickly prompted a debate within the media industry about the appropriate actions, if any, Eater should have taken against Solares for his past associations.

Neither Vox Media nor Solares were immediately available for comment. If you know any more about this story, please get in touch.