A couple of months ago, it became a Thing to yell "fuck her right in the pussy" while being interviewed on a live newscast. The problem (besides the obvious) was that no one had actually done it. Every one of the several viral videos featuring the phrase had been faked by a jokester named John Cain.

Despite that revelation, Cain's plan worked out better than he could have expected. His awkward forced meme somehow penetrated the very thin membrane between Stupid Hoaxtown and Stupid New Reality when it happened—For real! Twice!—during the World Cup.

First, it ambushed a CityNews reporter in a Toronto bar after Brazil's victory over Chile, when a fan casually dropped it into the conversation.

"You can just disregard that altogether," the reporter said.

But her warning came too late. The "right in the pussy" train was already rolling clumsily onward.

Next stop: Houston, during a Univision affiliate's live report after last night's U.S. loss to Belgium.

"Okay, bueno," indeed. The hoax has been made real, and this is apparently going to be the world we live in. For another 15 minutes, anyway.

[H/T Deadspin]